Does planet fitness have a basketball court?
Does planet fitness have a basketball court? Basketball is a great exercise, and you don’t always feel that you’re working out when playing. Combining your favorite sport and the affordable gym would be an ideal combination. Some gyms have basketball courts, and however, many do not. Many fitness enthusiasts love to add games to their fitness routine. Besides some specific exercises, games like basketball are a great way to stay fit. Though adding these games to your workout list is advisable, it can be difficult to take out time for games.
It becomes easier if your gym has a specific game area to play such games. Gyms are evolving day by day and include new features to cater to the needs of their customers. However, not all gyms have sports facilities.
So, what’s the deal with Planet Fitness? Is there a basketball court at Planet Fitness?
When talking about Planet Fitness gyms, many people ask whether they have basketball courts. These gyms are famous because of their equipment and fitness programs.
Newbies, who are in search of a gym with a basketball court, might be confused about whether to opt for Planet Fitness or not.
Although we do not want to blow you, the quick answer is no. Planet Fitness almost certainly does not offer courts for basketball, and there are various reasons they do not have basketball courts in their fitness centers.
Although Planet Fitness has excellent fitness equipment, excellent facilities, excellent membership packages, and a range of classes offered, they mainly target people who enjoy traditional fitness routines like weight lifting, spinning treadmills, ellipticals, and other courses.
I’m not able to say definitively that there aren’t any Planet Fitness gyms that have courts for basketball, although there might be certain ones that do, however, usually, they don’t have basketball courts at their locations.
Why aren’t There Basketball Courts At Planet Fitness?
While Planet Fitness does not usually have a basketball court, it could be beneficial in training for a basketball player or other athlete. They offer a range of programs to bring you back into shape and pinpoint specific areas to improve like jumping skills, speed, arm strength, speed, and more.
This is because Planet Fitness doesn’t have a basketball court. After all, their market does not need gyms with basketball courts. The demographic that Planet Fitness targets are casual gym-goers who seek a cheap gym that is clean and clear that they are at ease.
There are people of those who enjoy basketball, the majority will not play or find an indoor basketball court.
Basketball courts take up a lot of space even though they’re just half-courts. Additionally, only a small number of people will be able to play courts simultaneously.
Instead of making the space basketball courts, they use it to build other facilities that could be more suitable for people who fall within their segments, like treadmills, squat racks, cardio machines, ellipticals, and other equipment such as the more adventurous total body enhancement machines and those with Hydromassage Beds.
Additionally, the space could be filled with additional machines that can accommodate more significant numbers of people simultaneously.
These machines are the ones that most Planet Fitness users are looking for. They’re usually not the most avid fitness buffs but those who want to keep in shape or strengthen their entire body.
They are seeking a cheap gym membership in order to become more fit.
Can Planet Fitness Prepare You For Basketball?
Though you cannot easily find a basketball court in a Planet Fitness gym, it can prepare you well for basketball. The gym equipment and training programs can help you in basketball training.
You can build your muscles, get your body in shape, and enhance your balance and coordination. You can quickly become a perfect basketball player when you ace all these qualities.
Here is our article on how to strengthen your knees for basketball.
Just playing basketball doesn’t make you a perfect basketball player. You have to indulge yourself in different activities, such as jumping, building arm strength, improving your speed, etc. all these abilities collectively help you become a better basketball player.
Why Basketball?
The good thing about playing basketball is that you can skip the jogging and running parts of your workout. Basketball is an excellent activity that helps you burn a ton of calories while also providing you with tons of physical benefits.
Since basketball is equivalent to a 2-hour workout, you can be sure you are burning all those calories when you’re playing. As a result, you may keep yourself fit just by playing basketball without going in for rigorous gym sessions.
The following are some of the essential physical benefits of playing basketball.
To get the most out of it, make sure to keep up with the pace of the game and play by the rules, even if you are simply practicing.
Strengthens the Bones
The first pro of playing basketball is that it strengthens your bones.
As the game requires you to move around a lot, running warms up your muscles and bone joints leading to increased strength. It also provides increased bone mineralization, which results in stronger joints.
Moreover, as you need to make moves like a slam dunk and constant dribbling, you automatically get increased physical activity during the game.
Having strong bones is one of the critical factors to a good height. That is why most parents opt for basketball for their children so that their height increases quickly. Also, to live a healthy life, everyone needs to have strong bones.
Fortunately, you can achieve super strong bones by playing basketball religiously without skipping a day.
Improves Coordination
Basketball tends to increase and improve the coordination of your hands, eyes, and feet.
This is because it is a game in which these three organs do all the work. It improves the balance and movement of the body as you have to switch from defense to offense or vice versa in a matter of seconds.
That is how your mind gets trained to become fully coordinated with your hands, and eyes, and Basketball is a sport that demands quick actions and split-second decisions, due to which the players stay engaged till the end of the game.
As a result, they also need to keep up with the game and make coordinated movements of their eyes, feet, and hands.
With regular practice, basketball players learn the skills of proper hand and foot coordination for enhanced performance. et.
Improves Movement Skills
Basketball helps players improve their movement skills such as flexibility, endurance, and motor coordination. These skills play a massive role in the physical fitness of a person. The constant need to be in motion teaches the players to be active and fit.
On top of that, their regular practice sessions increase their stamina to run tirelessly during the matches.
These skills can be developed much more comprehensively through basketball than in any other sport such as soccer or football.
Even though football and soccer come with their fair share of health advantages, nothing beats the physical benefits of playing basketball.
Maintains Body Composition
A healthy body is composed of a maximum amount of nutrients and a minimum percentage of fat.
Basketball players usually have a lean body mass, which means their weight is per the number of nutrients in their body, excluding fats of all sorts.
The reason behind this is the proportion of fat and calories burnt during each match or practice session, along with the nutritional elements consumed by players in a healthy diet.
In general, basketball players are quite mindful of their diet. They eat according to their bodies’ requirements and then burn extra calories while playing basketball.
Therefore, we can say that basketball itself is an excellent way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Boosts Cardiovascular Health
The majority of illnesses discovered these days are related to the heart.
Many people get heart problems as a result of their sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical activity.
Basketball players, as you may have noticed, have a low risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because playing regularly lowers their risk of cardiovascular illnesses such as heart attack and stroke.
Due to the sudden starts, pauses, hops, dribbles, and bounces, basketball provides a type of ‘circuit training’ for the cardiovascular system. These exercises raise your heart rate and get your blood circulating through your veins, which is good for your health.
Strong Immune System
Heavy exercises are essential for strengthening the immune system. Basketball, fortunately, can significantly boost your immune system.
This game encourages you to sweat intensely, leading you to eliminate toxins and enhance your immune system.
A strong immune system is mandatory for maintaining a fit and healthy physique since it protects you from viruses and builds immunity to all sorts of bacterial infections.
So, include this game into your routine to strengthen your immune system and battle against the odds.
Improves Muscular Endurance
On top of the other benefits, basketball also enhances your body strength as it improves your muscular endurance.
During the game, the tissues of your muscles expand, providing you with muscular strength. You must have seen several basketball players with well-defined muscles.
Aside from their gym routine, their regular basketball sessions are the reason behind their appealing physique.
Ideal Posture
In the era of smartphones and other digital devices, posture is a huge issue. Even young kids suffer from back pain due to the constant strain on their necks when they look down at their phones.
However, basketball players usually have a straight and stiff posture, which is considered ideal. This is due to the regular exercise and drills that help them improve their posture.
Dribbling and slam dunks are the skills that need to be perfected for basketball, and fortunately, these two skills help improve posture as well.
So if you’re having a hard time correcting your posture, start playing basketball, and you’ll get the ideal posture in a matter of weeks.
Develops Concentration and Focus
Another health benefit of playing basketball is that it improves concentration and focus skills. This is because players need to analyze the time, circumstances, and techniques needed to make a shot.
Also, it is essential to remember that shooting your ball into the hoop is all about focus, so if you lose your focus in the 60th second, you’re a loser. In short, basketball increases your concentration power and focusing skills like crazy.
Sound Mind
Like any other exercise, basketball enhances the functioning of the mind. After playing an intense basketball match, players usually feel as fresh and light as a feather.
As a result, the mind feels at peace, allowing them to think and function better. Moreover, their mental health improves considerably after regular basketball sessions, which is why they become happier and more positive thinkers in life.
Aside from that, basketball players are often quick thinkers since the game demands fast actions and reflexes.
Their practice sessions help them accelerate their decision-making skills, and so, they naturally achieve a healthy and sound mind.
Releases Stress
Because of the shift to sedentary lifestyles, problems such as stress and anxiety are becoming more frequent. But if you play basketball, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering such a dilemma.
Including basketball in your workout regimen will transform your physique and relieve all of your tension. A person who is not stressed is more energetic and able to devote his entire attention to the task at hand.
Full Body Workout
Basketball is the most efficient exercise for a busy person who cannot devote time to the gym or any other such activity.
It’s a full-body exercise, where every muscle in your body is used to its utmost potential. You run while playing the game, which burns calories and helps you have a more defined physique.
So, if you’re a lazy bum who hates going to the gym, simply add an hour or two of basketball to your schedule, and reap the advantages of a full-body workout.
Gyms with Basketball Courts
Unlike Planet Fitness, there are multiple gyms that actually offer basketball courts, such as the following:
- Equinox
- Life Time
- LA Fitness
- 24 Hour Fitness